Deep Transparency for  REDD+ carbon projects.

Deep Transparency for mangrove carbon projects.
Deep Transparency for IFM carbon projects.

Our reviews are actionable, intuitive, and built on transparency.

We quantify the tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent removed from or reduced being emitted to the atmosphere by nature-based carbon projects. Our scores reflect the ratio between Renoster’s climate impact calculation and the credits issued to the project.

Our scores are intuitive, actionable, and built on transparency.

Powering diligence across the carbon markets.

How it works

Make informed decisions about your nature-based carbon credit purchases and project investments with our rigorous reviews and expert team of forest carbon scientists.

Unrated carbon credits

Unproven, unrated carbon credits

Renoster-rated carbon credits

Renoster Rated Credits
Streamlined Decisions,
Impactful Climate Contributions
Leap beyond vague ratings and choose carbon credits with confidence. Renoster’s data-driven scores translate complex assessments into easily understandable scores, directly reflecting the climate impact of each project.
The market’s uncertainty due to lack of clear, scientific evaluation can undermine the potential of NBS investments.
Renoster takes a rigorous and open scientific approach to empower your decision making with confidence.
In a world of guarded assessments, the true impact of investments remains hidden, stifling trust and progress.
Renoster’s commitment to openness invites investor confidence and public trust, elevating your portfolio’s reputation for leading change in environmental stewardship.
Without concrete data, investment decisions in NBS projects can feel like navigating without a map.
Renoster provides the map and the compass—precise data on the project level, allowing you to focus on growth.
Informed Investments,
Environmental Progress
Scientific Rigor - Unmask the potential of each NBS project with Renoster’s scientific rubric. Our analytics peel back the layers of complexity to reveal the true value of your investment, grounded in remote sensing science.
In a world of guarded assessments, the true impact of investments remains hidden, stifling trust and progress.
Renoster’s commitment to openness invites investor confidence and public trust, elevating your portfolio’s reputation for leading change in environmental stewardship.
Without concrete data, investment decisions in NBS projects can feel like navigating without a map.
Renoster provides the map and the compass—precise data on the project level, allowing you to focus on growth.

Featured Projects

Luangwa Community Forest

Luangwa Community Forest

8.0M credits issued
Zambia, Africa
Manoa REDD+

Manoa REDD+

921k credits issued
Brazil, South America
Delta Blue Carbon

Delta Blue Carbon

4.0M credits issued
Pakistan, Asia

Powering diligence across the carbon markets.

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