
How We Rate Projects

At Renoster, we believe in Deep Transparency.
We use an open-science approach to evaluate the quality of NBS projects. We conduct post and pre-issuance reviews to provide comprehensive insights at all stages in a project’s lifecycle.
Module 1

Project Infrastructure

Project Infrastructure includes conditions for project set up, covering People and Organisations, Legality and the Environment, Governance and Budget, which are essential to understanding both current and future project risks.
People and Organisations
"People and Organisations" evaluates the legitimacy and history of land ownership for carbon projects. It scrutinizes legal documentation and past land use to identify risks, examining the project proponent's credibility through their historical and current land management, environmental conservation, and community relations. The section also assesses the backgrounds and performance of project developers and partners, considering their previous projects' successes and failures to predict outcomes. This evaluation ensures that all involved parties are reputable and capable, reflecting the project's ethical standing and potential success.
Project Infrastructure
Module 1

Project Infrastructure

Project Infrastructure includes conditions for project set up, covering People and Organisations, Legality and the Environment, Governance and Budget, which are essential to understanding both current and future project risks.
Legality and Environment
Legality and Environment assesses the legal and environmental dimensions of carbon projects. It verifies legal authorization and evaluates the stability of legal frameworks to identify future risks. It checks existing conservation laws and their enforcement to confirm the project's additional environmental benefits. The section also analyzes local policies and practices to determine their impact on project claims. Finally, it reviews the sociopolitical climate, considering local opinions and governmental stability to predict potential challenges or support for the project. This ensures projects are legally compliant and effectively contribute to environmental conservation.
Project Infrastructure
Module 1

Project Infrastructure

Project Infrastructure includes conditions for project set up, covering People and Organisations, Legality and the Environment, Governance and Budget, which are essential to understanding both current and future project risks.
Governance and Budget
"Governance and Budget" assesses carbon projects' financial and operational structures. It evaluates if budgets are realistic, equitable, and adequately distributed between project work, benefits sharing, and profits. It also reviews the project timeline for feasibility compared to similar initiatives. Additionally, it examines governance structures to ensure accountability and effective management across complex stakeholder groups. Lastly, it scrutinizes the implementation plan for coherence and suitability to the project's scope and size, ensuring operational feasibility. This comprehensive evaluation ensures projects are financially and administratively sound for successful execution.
Project Infrastructure
Module 2

Scientific Assessment

Scientific Analysis encompasses the criteria we evaluate for post-issuance projects, such as Additionality, Baseline, Leakage, Verification, Permanence, as well as Growth Modelling & Land Management, Monitoring, and Credit Assessment. These core elements are accompanied by forecasting credit issuances based on Renosterʼs own models.
Additionality evaluates whether or not a project is justified. It determines if a project needed to exist in order for that carbon to be captured or stored. Usually, this is answered through a series of financial and risk justifications in the project documentation. Checking for additionality demonstrates whether the project is justified, if it avoided deforestation or somehow preserved carbon storage.

It is broken down into a set of subcomponents, some of which are graded on a “good/medium/fail” scale, and some of which are simply “pass/fail”. Additionality is addressed in different ways for each project type. For Avoided Deforestation, would these trees have been cut down in the absence of the project? For Reforestation, would these trees have been planted in the absence of the project? For Improved Forest Management, were these trees really at risk of removal or bad forestry practices in the absence of the project?
Project Infrastructure
Module 2

Scientific Assessment

Scientific Analysis encompasses the criteria we evaluate for post-issuance projects, such as Additionality, Baseline, Leakage, Verification, Permanence, as well as Growth Modelling & Land Management, Monitoring, and Credit Assessment. These core elements are accompanied by forecasting credit issuances based on Renosterʼs own models.
"Baseline" evaluates if a carbon project's baseline accurately reflects regional practices and predicts environmental impacts. It checks if the project area and its reference region are comparable in 3aspects like accessibility, deforestation history, and ecological characteristics. The section scrutinizes the methods used to forecast future deforestation, ensuring predictions are conservative and justified. Additionally, it assesses the accuracy of spatial mapping and baseline assumptions. Renoster's own baseline comparison further verifies these assessments by comparing project conditions with similar external areas, ensuring the project's environmental impact projections are realistic and unbiased. This analysis confirms the project's benefits are based on credible environmental forecasts.
Project Infrastructure
Module 2

Scientific Assessment

Scientific Analysis encompasses the criteria we evaluate for post-issuance projects, such as Additionality, Baseline, Leakage, Verification, Permanence, as well as Growth Modelling & Land Management, Monitoring, and Credit Assessment. These core elements are accompanied by forecasting credit issuances based on Renosterʼs own models.
"Leakage" assesses if carbon projects adequately address unintended impacts outside their areas, like market and geographic leakage. It checks if projects measure both leakage types, noting that some only quantify one due to method constraints. The review includes the leakage belt's appropriateness, ensuring it models potential deforestation risks accurately and doesn't underestimate leakage by including unaffected areas. It also considers the potential for reverse leakage, where project activities might inadvertently promote conservation outside project boundaries, a significant but hard-to-quantify co-benefit. This analysis ensures projects do not cause unintended environmental harm while claiming offsets.
Project Infrastructure
Module 2

Scientific Assessment

Scientific Analysis encompasses the criteria we evaluate for post-issuance projects, such as Additionality, Baseline, Leakage, Verification, Permanence, as well as Growth Modelling & Land Management, Monitoring, and Credit Assessment. These core elements are accompanied by forecasting credit issuances based on Renosterʼs own models.
"Verification" assesses the robustness of a carbon project's inventory and accounting methods to ensure accurate carbon stock measurements. It checks if the project employs statistically valid approaches to measure carbon, including field inventory and the use of regionally appropriate allometric equations. The section also evaluates the scientific soundness and peer-review status of the equations used, ensuring they accurately reflect local species and conditions. Additionally, it scrutinizes the project for any unethical practices that could lead to overestimation of carbon credits, such as manipulating boundaries or ignoring variances in forest types. This rigorous verification process ensures that carbon credits are based on credible, ethical, and scientifically validated data.
Project Infrastructure
Module 2

Scientific Assessment

Scientific Analysis encompasses the criteria we evaluate for post-issuance projects, such as Additionality, Baseline, Leakage, Verification, Permanence, as well as Growth Modelling & Land Management, Monitoring, and Credit Assessment. These core elements are accompanied by forecasting credit issuances based on Renosterʼs own models.
Growth Modeling and Forest Management
"Growth Modeling and Forest Management" reviews how carbon projects manage and predict forest growth. It checks if projects have detailed management plans that specify harvesting, regeneration, and expected impacts on forest stocking. It also scrutinizes the handling of credits for long-term wood product storage, ensuring they don't incentivize unnecessary logging. Additionally, it assesses the scientific validity and spatial accuracy of growth models used by projects, especially in regions with varied productivity. This ensures that forest management and growth predictions are scientifically sound and ethically managed.
Project Infrastructure
Module 2

Scientific Assessment

Scientific Analysis encompasses the criteria we evaluate for post-issuance projects, such as Additionality, Baseline, Leakage, Verification, Permanence, as well as Growth Modelling & Land Management, Monitoring, and Credit Assessment. These core elements are accompanied by forecasting credit issuances based on Renosterʼs own models.
"Monitoring" evaluates how carbon projects monitor deforestation and degradation to ensure their effectiveness. It assesses whether projects use reliable and unbiased methods, such as satellite imagery or ground surveys, and whether these tools are capable of detecting subtle deforestation events. The section also checks if projects have a high-frequency monitoring system to quickly identify and address deforestation incidents . Additionally, it considers the projectʼs long-term data management plans, ensuring data is stored securely and is accessible for the projectʼs duration. Effective monitoring is crucial for the accurate reporting and verification of a projectʼs impact on forest conservation.
Project Infrastructure
Module 2

Scientific Assessment

Scientific Analysis encompasses the criteria we evaluate for post-issuance projects, such as Additionality, Baseline, Leakage, Verification, Permanence, as well as Growth Modelling & Land Management, Monitoring, and Credit Assessment. These core elements are accompanied by forecasting credit issuances based on Renosterʼs own models.
"Permanence" evaluates the durability of carbon projects by analyzing contract lengths and assessing risks to determine the longterm stability of carbon sequestration. It considers the contract's duration against ideal benchmarks, the specific fire risk to the project, and the frequency and nature of fires in the area. It also examines threats from other natural risks such as pests, flooding, and droughts, to gauge their impact on the projectʼs viability. This thorough evaluation ensures that projects are likely to deliver on their environmental promises over the long term.
Project Infrastructure
Module 2

Scientific Assessment

Scientific Analysis encompasses the criteria we evaluate for post-issuance projects, such as Additionality, Baseline, Leakage, Verification, Permanence, as well as Growth Modelling & Land Management, Monitoring, and Credit Assessment. These core elements are accompanied by forecasting credit issuances based on Renosterʼs own models.
Credit Assessment
"Credit Assessment" scrutinizes the number of carbon credits a project should receive, ensuring they accurately reflect the project's true carbon sequestration potential. It includes an evaluation of the appropriate number of credits without considering potential leakage, emissions, or registry-specific deductions. Additionally, it compares the project's claimed credits to Renoster's calculated estimates, analyzing discrepancies and adjusting for factors like inaccurate carbon measurements or faulty allometry. This critical assessment ensures that the credits awarded are justified and reflect the project's actual environmental contribution.
Project Infrastructure
Module 3


Co-benefits include Ecological & Community Benefits and Relevant Case Studies of similar projects that Renoster has reviewed, evaluating their strengths and weaknesses to forecast potential outcomes for the project under assessment.
Ecological and Community Benefits
"Ecological and Community Benefits" evaluates the additional environmental and social gains from carbon projects. It reviews the project's claims about ecological benefits, such as biodiversity enhancement and ecosystem services like water filtration, and assesses their monitoring systems for tracking these benefits. For community benefits, it scrutinizes the equity and tangibility of benefits provided to local populations, including direct payments and infrastructure development, ensuring they are proportionate to the project's scale and revenue. This analysis ensures that the projects contribute meaningfully to both ecological preservation and community well-being, beyond mere carbon sequestration.
Project Infrastructure
Module 3


Co-benefits include Ecological & Community Benefits and Relevant Case Studies of similar projects that Renoster has reviewed, evaluating their strengths and weaknesses to forecast potential outcomes for the project under assessment.
Relevant Case Studies
"Relevant Case Studies" identifies similar carbon projects to predict potential outcomes for current initiatives. It selects analogs based on location, project developer, proponent, intentions, and methodology. This comparison highlights past successes or failures, providing insights into possible benefits and drawbacks.

By examining relevant case studies, it evaluates if projects with similar characteristics have generally achieved their goals or encountered significant challenges. This analysis helps anticipate the effectiveness of a project and informs strategies for improvement, ensuring new projects learn from past experiences.
Project Infrastructure
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The Rating Process

The Rating ProcessThe Rating Process

Global Forest Carbon Data

Mateus Mendes, Forest Carbon Scientist at Renoster, has created Global Forest Carbon Watch, an app that provides insights into over 500 NbS projects, offering both geospatial and credit data. This app was developed based on the Global Database of Nature-Based Carbon Offset Boundaries produced by Renoster's science team in 2024. This is the largest collection of global forest NbS project boundaries in existence and is a publicly available resource.

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